"Let's Not Be Beastly to the Japs"
St. Petersburg Times/February 3, 1944
Spy Stuff
St. Petersburg Times/March 2, 1944
The Berlin-Madrid-Buenos Aires Axis
St. Petersburg Times/March 4, 1944
Broadway Ballad
St. Petersburg Times/March 6, 1944
The Private Papers of a Cub Reporter
New York Daily Mirror/March 21, 1944
New York Daily Mirror/March 24, 1944
Portrait of a Man (Waiting for a Subpoena)
Notes of a Newspaperman
(Waiting for That Subpoena)
Twin City Sentinel/April 4, 1944
Memos About Song Writers
North Adams Transcript/December 20, 1944
Humanity vs. The German People
Birmingham News/December 21, 1944
A Reporter's Report to the Nation
St. Petersburg Times/July 3, 1945
Man About Town
St. Petersburg Times/July 5, 1945
Lint From a Blue Serge Suit
St. Petersburg Times/July 6, 1945
Broadway Rhythm
St. Petersburg Times/August 2, 1945
Things I Never Knew About the Coast Guard
St. Petersburg Times/August 4, 1945
Gunther: World Fed Up with Hitler
Evening World-Herald/September 4, 1939
Neville Chamberlain Proclaims
Evening World-Herald/September 6, 1939
Battling at The Stork Club
Evening World-Herald/September 7, 1939
Notes of a New Yorker
Wisconsin State Journal/September 14, 1939
On Broadway
Spartanburg Herald/March 22, 1940
Man About Town
Spartanburg Herald/May 1, 1940
Mr. Hollywood and His Girl
Spartanburg Herald/May 2, 1940
New York Heartbeat
Spartanburg Herald/May 3, 1940
The New York Scene
Spartanburg Herald-Journal/May 21, 1940
Notes of an Innocent Bystander
Spartanburg Herald/November 2, 1942
"The Shakespeare of Gossip"
The talented and tireless on-Broadway gossip godfather Walter Winchell was the terror of American show business and political figures for decades. Holding court at his reserved table in New York's famed Stork Club, he accepted homage from the city's fabulous and powerful into the wee hours, then wrote up his observations for publication in the next day's New York Daily Mirror. Winchell drew readers in with his poetically breezy vocabulary and by swaying rapidly from one topic to the next through a rambling train of curiously compelling ellipses. For moderns, his skewering of the pompous and roasting of the untalented brings a fascinating, street-level view of the classical age of American entertainment.
Baker / Bierce / Bly / Crane / Davis / Hemingway / London / Mencken /
Roosevelt / Stanley / Steffens / Tarbell / Twain
Walter Winchell . . . Goes to War!
A Collection of Columns . . . from 1939 - 1945