1908 cont'd
Adventures in Dream Harbor
Harper’s Weekly/August 8, 1908
The Joys of Surf Riding
Pall Mall Magazine/September, 1908
The Nature Man
Woman’s Home Companion/Sept., 1908
The Other Animals
Collier’s/September 5, 1908
“The High Seat of Abundance”
Woman’s Home Companion/Nov., 1908
In a Modern Stadium
Australian Star/December 28, 1908
Jack London’s Article
Australian Star/January 7, 1909
Strike Methods: American and Australian
Australian Star/January 14, 1909
Saved—and Lost! The Sobraon Boys
Australian Star/January 28, 1909
Running a Newspaper. His Scheme
Australian Star/February 4, 1909
The Yankee Myth
Australian Star/February 11, 1909
“Too Much English”
Woman’s Home Companion/April 9, 1909
If Japan Awakens China
Sunset Magazine/December 1909
The House of the Sun
A Pacific Traverse
Pacific Monthly/February, 1910
Stone Fishing of Bora Bora
The Amateur Navigator
Pacific Monthly/May, 1910
House of the Sun
Pacific Monthly/June, 1910
Cruising in the Solomons
Pacific Monthly/June, 1910
Jack London Says Reno Crowds Eagerly Await Big Fight
New York Herald/June 24, 1910
“Jeff a Fighter, Johnson a Boxer”
New York Herald/June 25, 1910
Never a Man So Fit as Jeffries
New York Herald/June 26, 1910
Fighter With the Quality of the ‘Abysmal Brute’ Will Win the Great Battle
New York Herald/June 27, 1910
No ‘Lucky Punch’ Likely at Reno
Ape and Tiger in U.S. Demand Fight
New York Herald/June 29, 1910
Jeffries’ Silence Marks a Thinker
New York Herald/June 30, 1910
Man Never Lived Who Could Keep Johnson From Landing
New York Herald/July 1, 1910
Crowning Fight of Ring’s History
New York Herald/July 2, 1910
Jeffries Never Wasted Energy
New York Herald/July 3, 1910
Square Fight Sure, Men Prime for It
New York Herald/July 4, 1910
Negro, Never in Doubt, Fear or Trouble
New York Herald/July 5, 1910
Amateur MD
Pacific Monthly/August, 1910
The Human Drift
Forum/January, 1911
Navigating Four Horses North of the Bay
Sunset/September, 1911
A Classic of the Sea
New York Independent/December 14, 1911
The Big Scrap is Coming
Common Sense/March, 1912
The Joy of Small Boat Sailing
Country Life in America/August 1, 1912
Jack London Sees Movies
Made of His “Sea Wolf”
San Francisco Examiner/August 16, 1913
Jack London Goes to a Burlesque Show and Here’s What He Has to Say About It
San Francisco Examiner/March 22, 1914
Our Adventures in Tampico
Collier's Weekly/June 27, 1914
The Army of the Revolution
International Socialist Review/August, 1914
The Red Game of War
Collier’s/May 16, 1914
With Funston’s Men
Collier’s/May 23, 1914
Mexico’s Army and Ours
Collier’s/May 30, 1914
Stalking the Pestilence
Collier’s/June 6, 1914
The Trouble Makers of Mexico
Collier’s/June 13, 1914
Collier’s/June 20, 1914
Our Adventures in Tampico
Collier’s/June 27, 1914
The Psychology of the Surfboard
Mid-Pacific Magazine/May, 1915
Our Guiltless Scapegoats,
The Stricken of Molokai
Philadelphia Ledger/June 21, 1916
My Hawaiian Aloha
Cosmopolitan/September, 1916
The Question of the Maximum
Eight Great Factors of Literary Success
Are There Any Thrills Left in Life?
Overland Monthly/May, 1917
Jack London on the Great War
Overland Monthly/May, 1917
The Scab
Atlantic Monthly/January, 1904
How Jack London Got
In and Out of Jail in Japan
San Francisco Examiner/February 3, 1904
Koreans are Fleeing
Before the Slav Advance
San Francisco Examiner/March 3, 1904
Japan’s Invasion of Korea,
As Seen by Jack London
San Francisco Examiner/March 4, 1904
Travel in Korea
San Francisco Examiner/N.D.
Japanese Army’s Equipment
Excites Great Admiration
San Francisco Examiner/April 3, 1904
Troubles of War Correspondent in Starting for the Front
San Francisco Examiner/April 4, 1904
Royal Road a Sea of Mud
San Francisco Examiner/April 7, 1904
Koreans Have Taken to the Hills
San Francisco Examiner/April 17, 1904
Footsore, Dazed and Frozen, The Japanese Trudge Through Korea
San Francisco Examiner/April 18, 1904
Cossacks Fight Then Retreat
San Francisco Examiner/April 19, 1904
Sufferings of the Japanese
San Francisco Examiner/April 20, 1904
Examiner Writer Sent Back to Seoul
San Francisco Examiner/April 25, 1904
Interpreters and How They Cause Trouble
San Francisco Examiner/April 26, 1904
Jack London’s Graphic Story of the Japs Driving Russians Across the Yalu River
San Francisco Examiner/June 4, 1904
Few Killed Nowadays in “Fierce” Battles
San Francisco Examiner/June 5, 1904
Japanese Swim Cold River Under Fire
San Francisco Examiner/June 9, 1904
Russians Fight Japanese on the Yalu
San Francisco Examiner/June 11, 1904
Japanese Supplies Rushed to Front
by Man and Beast
San Francisco Examiner/June 19, 1904
The Yellow Peril
San Francisco Examiner/June 25, 1904
Japanese Officers Consider
Everything a Military Secret
San Francisco Examiner/June 26, 1904
Japan Puts End to
Usefulness of Correspondents
San Francisco Examiner/July 1, 1904
Big Socialist Vote is Fraught with Meaning
San Francisco Examiner/November 10, 1904
Toledo Socialist/March 18, 1905
The Surplus Labor Army - Tramps
Brain Beaten by Brute Force
San Francisco Examiner/September 10, 1905
Things Alive
Yale Monthly/March, 1906
What Life Means to Me
Cosmopolitan/March, 1906
Rising Tide of Revolution
Oakland Socialist Voice/March 24, 1906
The Story of an Eyewitness
Collier’s/May 5, 1906
Something is Rotten in Idaho
The Socialist/November 4, 1906
The Voyage of the Snark
The Somnambulist
The Independent/December 20, 1906
My Castle in Spain
House Beautiful/January, 1907
Denied Admittance to the U.S. Because He Loves Liberty
Socialist Voice/January 5, 1907
My Life in the Underworld
Cosmopolitan/May, 1907
Holding Her Down
Cosmopolitan/June, 1907
The Pen
Pictures, Stray Memories of
Life in the Underworld
March of Kelly’s Army
Cosmopolitan/October, 1907
Road Kids and Gay Cats
Hoboes That Pass in the Night
Cosmopolitan/December, 1907
The Lepers of Molokai
Woman’s Home Companion/January, 1908
Some Adventures With the Police
Cosmopolitan/March, 1908
Building of the Boat
Engaging a Crew
Finding One’s Way on the Sea
Harper’s Weekly/August 1, 1908
J a c k L o n d o n ( 1 8 7 6 - 1 9 1 6 )
What Socialism Is
San Francisco Examiner/December 25, 1895
Through the Rapids on the Way to the Klondike
On the Writer's Philosophy of Life
The Economics of the Klondike
Review of Reviews/January, 1900
Pluck and Pertinacity
Youth's Companion/January 4, 1900
Jack London in Boston
Boston Evening Transcript/May 26, 1900
The Shrinkage of the Planet
Chatauquan Magazine/May 31, 1900
Husky--Wolf-Dog of the North
The Dignity of Dollars
The Shrinkage of the Planet
The Chautauquan/September, 1900
Housekeeping in the Klondike
Harper’s Bazaar/September 16, 1900
Phenomena of Literary Evolution
The Bookman/October, 1900
What Communities Lose
by the Competitive System
Cosmopolitan/November, 1900
The Question of a Name
First Aid to Rising Authors
Junior Munsey Magazine/December, 1900
Editorial Crimes – A Protest
Dilettante/February, 1901
An Appreciation
Challenge/April 24, 1901
The Homecoming of the Oregon
San Francisco Examiner/June 14, 1901
Grandly Opens the
Third National Bundes Shooting Fest
San Francisco Examiner/July 15, 1901
Steady Nerve of Early Rising Riflemen
San Francisco Examiner/July 16, 1901
California Pioneers Watch the Younger Generation Pinging the Many Targets
San Francisco Examiner/July 17, 1901
Delightful Memories Suggested and Recalled by the Visit of Julius Beeker to the
Bundesfest Shooting Hall
San Francisco Examiner/July 18, 1901
How the Marksman Petrifies for the Shot
San Francisco Examiner/July 19, 1901
How the Markers Operate in the
Quiet Target Pits
San Francisco Examiner/July 20, 1901
A Girl Who Crossed Swords With a Burglar
San Francisco Examiner/July 21, 1901
Each Record Broken
Adds to Country’s War Strength
San Francisco Examiner/July 21, 1901
Phases of Mental Condition in the Big Shoots
San Francisco Examiner/July 22, 1901
Study of Physical Traits of
Men Who Shoot the Best
San Francisco Examiner/July 23, 1901
Lessons of Living
Taught by the Visiting Riflemen
San Francisco Examiner/July 24, 1901
Peter de Ville, Alaska’s Moon Country Explorer, Tells Jack London
His Story of the Luring North
San Francisco Examiner/October 14, 1901
Gladiators of Machine Age
San Francisco Examiner/November 16, 1901
Governor Taft Tells Jack London About Filipinos and Philippines
San Francisco Examiner/January 22, 1902
Millionaire Divides His Profits with his Workmen to Share Their Happiness
San Francisco Examiner/April 18, 1902
The Stampede to Thunder Mountain:
The New Idaho Gold Camp
Collier’s/May 3, 1902
Salt of the Earth
Anglo-American Magazine/August, 1902
Again the Literary Aspirant
The Critic/September, 1902
Simple Impressive Rite
at Cornerstone Emplacement of
Hearst Memorial Mining Building
San Francisco Examiner/November 19, 1902
Getting Into Print
Editor/March, 1903
How I Became A Socialist
Comrade/March, 1903
Two Contradictory Teachers
International Socialist Review/May, 1903
These Bones Shall Rise Again
The Terrible and the Tragic in Fiction
What Shall Be Done With This Boy?
Jack London Responds to a Vital Question
San Francisco Examiner/June 21, 1903
Gold Hunters of the North
Atlantic Monthly/July, 1903
Stranger than Fiction
The Critic/August, 1903
The Class Struggle
Independent/November 5, 1903